Made in Saskatchewan Technology Program (MIST)

Connecting Government and Startup Technology Companies 


Are you a Saskatchewan-based technology company with a product that could improve the delivery of a Government of Saskatchewan service? If so, this is the program for you!

The Made in Saskatchewan Technology Program (MIST) connects the Provincial Government to Saskatchewan technology-based companies whose products may improve Government service delivery. Companies successful in the program are awarded a contract of up to $30,000 to have their technology piloted by the Government Ministries, Agencies and Crown Corporations.

Who is this for?

This program is open to technology companies that meet the following criteria:

  • Saskatchewan based;
  • Annual revenue under $500,000;
  • 30 employees or less;
  • Technology is ready to be implemented; and 
  • Company has the capacity to work with Government.

How does the program work?

  • Saskatchewan-based technology companies submit their application form to Innovation Saskatchewan.
  • Innovation Saskatchewan will assess the company to ensure that they meet the basic program criteria.
  • An independent advisory panel will then review the application and provide IS with a technology readiness assessment.
  • Innovation Saskatchewan will work with eligible companies to determine applicable Government partners for its solution.
  • Government partners will decide to enter into a pilot project and contract with the company.
  • Successful companies are awarded a six-month pilot project and contract up to $30,000.
  • After the pilot project, the Ministry can end the contract or enter into a new one.
  • A company can receive up to 3 MIST pilot projects.
  • The maximum payment through MIST is a combined total of $30,000 over a company's lifetime.
  • Example of potential MIST agreements include:
    • one $30,000 pilot project;
    • two $15,000 pilot project; or,
    • three $10,000 pilot projects. 

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply

*Please ensure you download the PDF prior to filling it out.

Please submit applications to  Applications can be submitted at any time.

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