When Eric Gartner, Travis Brunn, Neal Zaluski, and Rob Hydomako first started their physiotherapist careers, they experienced the challenge that all clinicians faced when creating home exercise programs for patients. At the time, there was a physical box of physical exercise cards that needed to be photocopied and given to patients. To help patients bring a better experience home, the team created SimpleSet as a rehabilitation software solution.

“We saw the opportunity to create something easier,” Eric Gartner explained. “Our goal was to make things as simple and accessible as possible for patients.”

SimpleSet is a software tool that clinicians can use to create and demonstrate movements, build exercise programs, and print or email treatments to patients. Physiotherapists log onto the platform and have access to a stock database with thousands of exercises across a continuum of care from early-state rehab to elite sports performance. “Patients can interact with it, and we’ve designed it with the pain points of clinicians in mind,” Gartner says.

SimpleSet can be used via a desktop, laptop or table to seamlessly fit into any clinician’s workflow without interruption. The software is free for health science students, and there are tiered options for individual professionals and clinics. “The physio and rehab community is interconnected,” shares Gartner. “Everyone at SimpleSet is also a practicing physiotherapist, and we’re passionate about helping people.”

The team has experienced steady growth, and the software has thousands of users from around the world. They are also interested in integrating with other technologies, such as the electronic medical record market.

Future development is focused on patient engagement. “Patients have been a secondary focus in development,” Gartner says. “We want to improve the rehabilitation experience for the patient, support their relationship with their provider and their journey in healthcare.”

SimpleSet recently wrapped up their experience learning with Co.Labs where they were introduced to many valuable connections in the Saskatchewan tech scene. “We know our product inside and out, but we’re not tech experts,” explains Gartner. “These past 6 weeks [in the Co.Link program] have been life-changing! It’s been so impactful in just a short period of time where people have been conscious about how they can help and everyone helps each other.”

Gartner, Brunn, Zaluski, and Hydomako are excited to be building SimpleSet here in Saskatchewan, whilehelping people worldwide. “We’ve received quite a bit of support from local physiotherapists and clinic owners,”smiles Gartner. “We love the community aspect that Saskatchewan offers—especially at the early stages. We’re grateful for all of the help along the way!”


Founders: Eric Gartner, Travis Brunn, Neal Zaluski, Rob Hydomako

Incorporation Date: 2011

Employees: 6
