
VIDO-InterVac helping to fight Zika Virus

The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S)—the first place in the world to develop a swine model for the study of Zika virus infection—has secured $700,000 for research using the new animal model to investigate how the virus causes disease and to test new drugs and vaccines for prevention.…

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Changing the Scope of Plant Research in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan researchers now have access to new technology that has the potential to change the province’s landscape when it comes to plant research. Today, researchers unveiled the PhytoPET, a new real-time imaging detector used to study plants under different conditions. It works like a computerized tomography (CT) scan, allowing researchers to delve deeper into how plants respond to a…

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Saskatchewan's Cyclotron Now Supplying Radioisotopes to Royal University Hospital

Stakeholders from government, health care and academia today marked the start of supply of radioisotopes from the Saskatchewan Centre for Cyclotron Sciences for patient PET-CT scans at Royal University Hospital.  The achievement marks the end of the cyclotron’s three-year capital project and the beginning of its operational life as a supplier of radioisotopes for Saskatchewan…

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