
Cultivator: How They Are Supporting Saskatchewan Founders

When our worlds were flipped upside down at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jordan McFarlen and the team from Cultivator powered by Conexus talked about the importance of developing a technology community during the time of crisis. After more than a year of navigating this environment, Saskatchewan has shown the true resilience of our tech sector, and Cultivator has continued to support…

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Croptimistic: Building The World’s Only Soil Technology Ecosystem

As a seasoned agronomist, Cory Willness has extensive experience with agricultural retail, consulting, and precision agriculture technology. When precision agriculture was introduced in the late 90’s, Willness’s passion for it grew, including his focus on soil mapping. “Fields are all vastly different in productivity due to water availability, soil type variability, and…

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Immigrate: Providing Regulated, Insured, and Licensed Advice to Get People Proper Help

Dirk Propp started his career by travelling around the world teaching English. As he travelled, he gained an appreciation of the advantages of living and working in Canada. He decided to dedicate his efforts to helping others experience and work in this beautiful country, so he created Immigrate Software. “If you’re international, trying to get help to work in Canada is…

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