

BeeSecure: Innovators in Asset Tracking and Rural Crime Prevention In October of 2017, Innovation Saskatchewan introduced the rural crime challenge. The question they posed to innovators was “How can we use technology to reduce rural crime?” Jeff Shirley and his team entered the competition with a strong understanding of the solution. As a professional beekeeper, he had already been…

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Athlete Era

Athlete Era Invents New Way to Coach Youth Sports University of Saskatchewan graduates Corey Edington, Andrew Leslie and Kent Walters are passionate about helping kids develop physical literacy. Providing youth with the ability to teach themselves physical skills has motivated the founders to create a suite of mobile learning apps that use augmented reality content, cloud computing and…

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Offstreet: The best system to manage complimentary parking in North America If you have ever owned a storefront business, you know how important parking is for your customers. Matt Fahlman and Kyle Smyth created Offstreet to ensure that complimentary client parking is available for clients, not just people looking for free parking. Prior to Offstreet, there was not an easy way to manage free…

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