News | Innovation Saskatchewan


Supporting a Growing Saskatchewan Technology and Research Sector

Today, the government introduced The Innovation Saskatchewan Amendment Act, 2022 to further support the growth of the technology and research sector in the province.  The legislation provides authority for Innovation Saskatchewan to own and operate the technology and research parks currently assigned to Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation (SOCO) for the purposes of creating…

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Growing a Strong Economy Through Innovation and Technology

Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced several changes to further the growth of the technology and research sector in the province. The creation of a single innovation agency in the province will move the Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation (SOCO) to align with Innovation Saskatchewan. The government has also increased the annual Saskatchewan Technology Start-up Incentive (STSI) tax…

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Innovation Saskatchewan Modifies Made In Saskatchewan Technology Program

  The Government of Saskatchewan is modifying its Made in Saskatchewan Technology Program (MIST) to help startups connect with more government organizations and support more complex projects. Previously, companies that were successful in the program were awarded a contract of up to $10,000 to have their technology piloted by government. Under the program changes, successful companies can now…

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