
Saskatchewan Agtech Venture Capital Fund Manager Selected

The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce it has selected Conexus Venture Capital Inc. (CVC) as the fund manager for the government's $15 million agtech venture capital investment.  This investment will be part of CVC's Emmertech fund, which invests in agtech startups across Canada focusing on early-stage investments in digital farm technologies that will be used by…

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Innovation Saskatchewan Invests $2.2 Million in Technology Projects for Core Sectors

The Government of Saskatchewan is committing to a multi-year, $2.2 million investment in eleven Saskatchewan innovators through the Saskatchewan Advantage Innovation Fund (SAIF) and Agtech Growth Fund (AGF).  SAIF supports commercialization of game-changing technological innovations in the province's core economic sectors, while AGF operates in parallel as a research and development…

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Increased Funding to Support Saskatchewan’s Female Founders

Innovation Saskatchewan is committing $60,000 per year for the next two years to help propel the growth of women-led technology companies in the province. Consistent with the final report and recommendations of the Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan’s Advisory Committee on the Gender Entrepreneurship Gap, this funding will support the continuation of the Founders Table program. Founders…

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