
New Technology Helps Farmers Monitor their Mental Health

Following a recent province-wide Innovation Challenge, Innovation Saskatchewan, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, unveiled a new tool for agricultural producers to track their mental health. The mobile app, Avail, was developed by Saskatoon-based Bridges Health and offers producers a confidential system for actively recording and analyzing their mental health, accessing online…

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Province Announces Launch of Cleantech Accelerator Program

As part of its commitment to grow the technology sector and deliver on Saskatchewan’s Climate change strategy, Prairie Resilience, the Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce the signing of an agreement between Innovation Saskatchewan (IS) and Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre (Foresight).  The collaborative partnership project will see IS and Foresight establish a…

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Premier's Award for Excellence in the Public Service

Premier Announces the Recipients of the 2020 Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Public Service Released on December 2, 2020 Today, Premier Scott Moe announced one emerging leader, four individuals and six teams from the public service who will receive the Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Public Service for 2020.“The recipients of this award have gone above and beyond…

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