
Innovation Saskatchewan Invests $1.2 Million in Technology Projects for Core Sectors

The Government of Saskatchewan is committing to a multi-year, $1.2 million investment in six Saskatchewan innovators through the Saskatchewan Advantage Innovation Fund (SAIF) and Agtech Growth Fund (AGF). SAIF supports commercialization of game-changing technological innovations in the province’s core economic sectors, while AGF operates in parallel as a research and development funding…

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Saskatchewan Tech Companies are Shining in 2021

Strong momentum continues for Saskatchewan-based tech companies in 2021. In August, the Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA) reported Saskatchewan Venture Capital investment reaching a record-breaking level of $171 million for the first half of 2021. "The investment momentum continues for Saskatchewan-based tech companies," Minister Responsible for Innovation…

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Saskatchewan Government Announces $3.2 Million in Funding to the Global Institute for Food Security

Today, Innovation Saskatchewan and the Ministry of Agriculture announced combined multi-year funding of $3.2 million to the Global Institute for Food Security's (GIFS) new engineering biology centre at the University of Saskatchewan. This new centre will help attract investments and companies to the province's agriculture and food sectors, reducing capital needed to set up and operate…

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